We Are Distributors Best Products


Was Establish on early 2012. In very short time, the company has shown a remarkable growth in term of sales turn over. This is the evident of customers trust to our company as we only work together with best Product.

  • Ruko Puri Kencana Blok II No 4
  • jl.Raya Mustikasari,Pengasinan rawa lumbu
  • Bekasi - West Java 17115
  • +62 21 8241 5897, +62 21 8241 5898


To be the trusted major provider whom you can rely for timely delivery, highly efficent and excellent quality of products constantly training and developing our employees to give the best customer satisfaction and to strive for better quality of living


Become the leader in the Industry and always committed to give the best to our partners, customers and employees.

General Indsutry 90%
Gte Product 70%

Gland Packing

Gland Packing are Very important components of pump and shafts. There are countless of engineering applications rely on these device to fuction properly

Thermal Jacket Insulation

Thermal insulation is the reduction of heat transfer ( the transfer of thermal energy between objects of differing temperature ) between objects in thermal contact or in ange of radiative influence.

Expansion Joint Fabric

Fabric Expansion joints perform a fuction of compensating for duct misalignment and duct thermal growth typical in power plants and other ducting systems.

Spiral Wound Gasket (SWG)

Spirwal Wound Gasket comprise a mix of metallic and filler material. Generally, the gasket has a metal ( normally carbon rich or stainless steel) wound outwards in a circular spiral with the filler material ( generally a flexible graphite ) Wound in the same manner but starting from the opposing side.

Graphite Rings

Graphite rings are die formed comprssed garphite rings. they are flexible and highly impermeable to gases and liquid.


O ring. Also known as a packing, or a toric joint, is a mechanical gasket in the shape of a torus, it is a loop of elastomer with a round cross-section, designed to be seated in a groove and compressed during assembly between two or more parts, creating a eal at the interface.

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    Perkenalkan kami Aqpa Indonesia Merupakan Distributor resmi dari Product GTE Manufacture, dengan Product Unggulan seperti : Gland Packing, Spiral wound gasket, Gasket Sheet, EJF ( expantion Joint Fabric ), Telescopic, Graphite Ring, PTFE Lined dan Product lain nya.

    Kami pun siap menjadi Partner Sekaligus Distributors di Perusahaan atau Fabric yang Bapak / ibu Pimpin. Untuk Kebutuhan Electrical dan lain nya. dengan harga yang bersahabat, pengiriman yang aman dan payment dalam tempo waktu ( dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku.

    Tidak usah sungkan untuk bertanya tentang product-product GTE,kami siap membantu kebutuhan kebutuhan di perusahaan anda dan bekerja sama.

    silahkan Hub marketing Officer kami untuk lebih lanjutnya.

  • Fabric Expantion Joint | GTE

    Expantion Joint Fabric AQPA INDONESIA | GTE PRODUCT | Fabrikasi Expantion joint yang mempunyai Warehouse di Bekasi - dengan kualitasi Baik dan Garansi yang menjanjikan. Expantion Joint Merupakan Salah Satu Product Unggulan kami yang sudah ada di beberapa daerah dan propinsi di Indonesia.

  • Gland Packing - GTE Product

    AQPA INDONESIA Merupakan penyedia Gland Packing dari Indonesia Untuk Indonesia dan Untuk Dunia. Manufactures Gland Packing / Gland Packing Seal GTE PRODUCT dan Kebutuhan Industri Lainya. Lihat Katolog Kami Di Sini..

  • Thermal Jacket Insulation Fabric | GTE PRODUCT

    Fabrics Thermal Jacket Insulation Jakarta - Bekasi. Bisa Memesan Sesuai yang anda Butuhkan Untuk Kebutuhan Industri anda. Thermal Jacket Insulation di Pabrik Kami Tersedia. Kami siap Mempresentasikan Product Kami sebagai Keseriusan memperkenalkan Product Kepada Klien-Klien Kami.


    Graphite rings are die formed comprssed garphite rings. they are flexible and highly impermeable to gases and liquid. Advantege of graphite rings is long life with no hardening deformations and removal of graphite rings cam be done with out danger of damge on the selaing faces.

    Our Product :
    - Gland Packing / Gland Sealing / Ring Packing / Grafoil Ring
    - Removable Thremal Insulation /  Thermal Blanket / Thermal jacket
    - Expansion Joint Fabric / Exhaust Ducting
    - Telescopic Ducting
    - Valve Seal
  • Spiral Wound Gaset ( SWG ) GTE Product

    Spirwal Wound Gasket comprise a mix of metallic and filler material. Generally, the gasket has a metal ( normally carbon rich or stainless steel) wound outwards in a circular spiral with the filler material ( generally a flexible graphite ) Wound in the same manner but starting from the opposing side.

    Our Product :
    - Gland Packing / Gland Sealing / Ring Packing / Grafoil Ring
    - Removable Thremal Insulation /  Thermal Blanket / Thermal jacket
    - Expansion Joint Fabric / Exhaust Ducting
    - Telescopic Ducting
    - Valve Seal

    Please Contact our Marketing....


    Ruko puri kencana Blok II No 4
    Bekasi 17115



    +62 21 8241 5897
    +62 21 8241 5898

    Marketing Officer

    0813 5137 7427
    0812 1150 6409
    0812 8120 5157
    0822 9866 1900